Schleck Gran Fondo
May 15-16-17

In just a few years time, the Schleck Gran Fondo has grown out to be a big event on the gran fondo calendar. Not only is the organization very well executed, you have a unique chance to see how good you are compared to other riders of the same age. Because all roads you ride on are closed to other traffic, the Schleck Gran Fondo has a competitive element in it. You can go all-in if you want and try to beat everyone to the line! More lay-back mentality? No problem! You can also just take it easy and complete the ride in a less competitive way J. The Panache! headquarters is very close to the start and finish location, so we decided to create a special Schleck Gran Fondo event. We’ve arranged everything to suit your needs: starting ticket for the Fondo, a luxurious hotel, all meals (breakfast, lunch, diner), after-bike snacks, foam rolling sessions for better recovery, recon ride on Friday, race-day on Saturday with our support and a nice spin-down on Sunday. Feel like a pro with Panache! Don’t wait too long, we have limited availability!
What’s all inclusive?
We aim to make your weekend as care-free as possible. This means you don’t have to worry about a place to stay, meals, making routes, recovery et cetera. Below you will find a brief summary of the most important things that are included in our weekend:
– Starting ticket
-2 overnight stays
-2x lunch
-Recon an spin down rides
-Guarded bike-parking in Nittel
-English, German, Dutch speaking
-2x breakfast
-2x diner with table water
-Support during Gran Fondo
-After bike snacks
-Info on nutrition and training
-Foam-rolling recovery
How does it work?
Before we start making our weekends, we would like to get to know you a bit better. Therefore we aks you to fill in some questiones for us in advance. These questions help us to make the perfect weekend for you. These concern information about your current form and health, your biking experience, specific wishes, et cetera. Don’t worry, your info is safe with us, we will never pass it on to a third party without your consent. When everyones information is gathered (max 10 persons), we start making and molding the weekend to everyones satisfaction. From there on it’s just, bike-eat-sleep-repeat :-).
Who are we?
Good question! We are Rick Berends and Mark Schouten. Two dutch guys whith a great passion for roadbiking and gravelbiking. We are both sports physiotherapists and have cycled many miles (well, kilometers actually, but you get the point) together. Rick moved to Germany some years ago and lives close to the Luxemburg border. From there, we organize training events for cyclists a few times a year, because the region is hilly, beautiful and very well accessible from the Netherlands, where most of our guests come from. However, we speak English en German as well (and some French), so please don’t let the ‘Dutch’ scare you :-). By combinig our passion for cycling with our medical knowledge, we offer can offer cyclists a personalised, all inclusive weekends packed with great guided rides, good food, good sleep and a lot of fun. We also enjoy sharing our knowledge about training, nutrition and technical advice on the bike. We offer free optical bike-fits and after-bike foam rolling session to help recover the muscles. Feel like a pro for a weekend!
Price for whole weekend: €510,- p.p.
Groups of 6 persons or more: €460,- p.p.
Not inluded: Travelling and health insurance. Panache! is not responsible for any (physical) harm, damage or theft of material during the weekend, all though we do our best to keep you safe. Transport to and from starting location of the Schleck Gran Fondo. Extra food or drinks besides what Panache offers, are to be paid by the guest. If you wish to stay in a 1-person room, we have to charge €40,- extra for the whole weekend.
Send a mail to info@panache.bike to sign up or click here to visit our contact page (in dutch, still working on that ;-))